Businesses are meant to grow with time. Stagnation is not an option. Ultimately it comes to spreading to another country. Conducting international business is not difficult in itself; it is the huge increase in the scale of operations that can be a major issue. Learn in the courses below to efficiently run international businesses.

Working in a Global Economy

This course is provided by MIT, an extension to MIT university courses by archiving their courses online. In this course you will learn about the implications the different economies have on running international businesses. You will learn how they function, what their pros and cons are, how to understand their procedures; in short you will know all the ins and outs involved in conducting business internationally and hence guide your business through the best route possible.

Developing products and services for international markets

This is a four part audio course covering the specific topic related to product design and presentation. You will learn what customers in international markets expect of products and the correct way to not only design them but also to market them and penetrate these markets. You can view them for free in iTunes.

How to launch a business for beginners

Starting a business is not as difficult as running it. Although what they say might be true, there are some things which entrepreneurs are known to overlook. This leads to small things becoming big issues later on. This 12 lecture course by MIT will take you through the steps one takes when starting a successful business. This course comes with assignments, lessons and even video tutorials.

Operations Management for beginners

Operations management doesn’t matter much for local or medium sized businesses. But when you decide to go international or multinational that is when it’s time to consider stepping it up. This course will teach you the basics of operations management and how to properly streamline operations for optimum running.

Innovation and Commercialization

When you’re running a local show or a niche, a small product range can work well enough. The same cannot be said when you are competing on international markets with thousands of other products. Innovation lessons will help you design and decide on better products which will in turn attract more customers.


A complete course on every aspect of business, you will pick up some valuable lessons on procedures which play a crucial role in international business. Examples of these include how to operate according to the regulations set down by different institutions in varying countries and so on. Total 33 audio lessons.

Fundamentals of business analysis

Not knowing where your business is headed is one of the biggest blunders an entrepreneur can make. This seven part course will address all the factors involved in analysis and help you retain better control of your business’s direction.

Understanding taxation policy

This course will help you understand the taxation procedures of different countries and help you learn how to make better strategies accordingly.

Export businesses

Going international entails additional responsibilities. Learn all about exporting in this 12 part course.

Marketing Management

Learn the correct way to handle marketing procedures in different countries with this complete course on marketing management. It’s from MIT with no sign-up required.