Do you love musical instruments—and, want to learn how to play the harmonium?

Harmonium is easy to learn.

And the best part is…anyone can learn how to play it—and become an advanced player in no time.

The harmonium is famously known as the “reed organ,” because—it produces sound when air is blown into its reeds. It originated from Europe in the early 1700s. However, due to its deep connection with the Indian culture—it was later redesigned by Dwarkanath Ghose, an Indian in 1875. 

So, without further ado, here are sites that will teach you—the basics of the harmonium, and how to play it.

  1. Sound Of India

This site presents a comprehensive free online harmonium course that is detailed; and covers an in-depth introduction to harmonium, its basics, and finger numbers. By the end…you’ll have first-hand information on the history of harmonium and how to play it—even with no prior experience in music.

  1.  Raga Sangeet

Looking to learn harmonium from scratch? This course is perfect for you. It covers broadly—the history and parts of the harmonium. And, you’ll also learn about the different octaves, how they are played, and proper finger positions for playing the harmonium.

  1. Sacred Sound Lab

Sheela Bringi and Brent Kuecker, the founders of Secret Sound lab share free harmonium playing lessons on this site. You’ll learn—the keyboard basics, obtain harmonium playing tips in accurate Sanskrit pronunciation and—furthermore, learn how to sing and play the “Ya Devi Goddess Hymm.”


Learn everything you need to know about the harmonium with this site. It covers basics of playing the harmonium, its history, origin and evolution. And, in addition—you’ll learn the different types of harmonium, its majors, and minor chords.

  1. You Tube

This free online harmonium beginners’ course is detailed and teaches—how to name the different notes of the harmonium keyboard and classifies the black and white notes of the keyboard. You’ll also cover an in-depth explanation on: the lower, upper and middle octaves.


This site offers a 2-part free harmonium online course presented in Hindi. You’ll learn everything you need to know about the harmonium—the keyboard basics, its classifications, and—how to play different mantras.


This site offers a free online harmonium playing course divided into different video lessons. So, whether you’re a beginner with no experience in music, you’ll learn—the practical aspects of the harmonium, how the buttons operate and further, how the keyboard works.


This site offers a free downloadable PDF harmonium keyboard basics’ course presented in Hindi. You’ll learn; parts of the harmonium keyboard and how to classify the white and black notes. By the end—you’ll know the different names for each key and the sounds they produce.


This is a free PDF course designed for persons with no experience in reading music. It covers; basic information on the harmonium key board names, classifies each key, and furthermore—shows you how to play each key.

  1. Yumpu

This site offers a free downloadable e-book with lessons on how to play harmonium that are resourceful. It covers notes on: parts of the harmonium keyboard, its notes, how to identify them, their positions and more—which will give you the confidence to play and sing along with your harmonium.