Unity is the most popular game development platform worldwide. New developers can start using Unity Microgames and Mods that have already been produced by downloading Unity for free. Learn by using the many free and inexpensive tutorials, classes, terminology, and game kits provided by Unity and our incredible community.

Learn.Unity.com – The Official Unity tutorials!

A good place to start would be the official Unity website! They have lots of reliable content available for free that you need to check out before everything else. You can start with the essentials, or you can explore these resources yourself and search by topics!

Learn Unity with Imphenzia – The most basic Unity tutorial.

This is one of the most basic Unity tutorials you will ever come across, so it’s also a good place to start. You can find the timestamps in the description, so if you ever feel like you don’t understand a concept, you can always go back and revisit it!

Freecodecamp Unity course – Very reliable Unity game design course!

Freecodecamp is an awesome platform that a lot of people use to learn various programming languages, and they even have some materials on Unity game design. This video, in particular, is most suitable for beginners looking to begin their Unity game design journey.

Free Udemy Unity game design course – an introduction

Although Udemy courses are usually behind a paywall, this Unity game design course is available for everyone. It is an introduction to this game engine, and it has a total of almost 2 hours of content. With a rating of 4.2 stars and a total of over 120.000 students, you know this course is the real deal.

Code Monkey Unity tutorial – Over 10 hours of content!

If you’re looking for something more thorough resource, you should know this YouTube tutorial has over 10 hours of information on how to get started with Unity! The creator of this tutorial holds the 2021 prize for the best Unity insider tutorial creator, so you know this guy knows what he is talking about.

Udemy 3D Unity course – Complete the course on how to make Unity games

This is another Udemy game design course targeted at absolute beginners, and it also has over 10 hours of information, just like the video from earlier. It will teach out everything you need to know as a beginner to create 3D video games. And what’s most important is that it’s completely free!

Learn Unity with Azad Chaiwala – Unity game development made easy! 

If you are a beginner, but you’re looking to become advanced with Unity game design, this video is for you. It will take you from the Unity interface and game objects all the way to publishing your game on the Internet! This video has 4 hours and a half of information, and it is split into 20 sections.

Alison.com Unity course – 2D game development with C#

This free course would be a great choice if you want to get into Unity 2D game design with C#, which is a programming language that would further your experience as a game developer. Learning Unity will allow you to create games not only for PC but also for Mac, iOS, and Android!

Unity game development YouTube tutorial – almost 10 hours!

Although not very well known, this YouTube tutorial is extremely comprehensive, with almost 10 hours of content! It is a great way to begin your Unity and C# game development journey, whether you are looking to create 2D or 3D games.

Skillademia Unity game development course – 2D game development

Finally, this video is dedicated to 2D Unity game development and has enough content to make you an intermediate Unity game developer as long as you try to assimilate every piece of information.