Becoming a Certified Scrum Master demonstrates that you are a capable leader who can direct your group in the direction of producing goods and attaining the objectives of your company. This is why you might be interested in free online courses that can help you obtain this certification.

Master of Project Academy – Free Scrum Master Training

This online course provides you with video lectures, downloadable study materials, and many other useful methodologies. At the end of this free course, you will be awarded a Course Completion Certificate and it only takes about 30 minutes. – Introduction to Scrum Master Training

Another great online course, this time provided by Jim Sullivan! Thanks to his guide, you will rapidly learn how to manage work effectively, comprehend Scrum vocabulary, and investigate key Scrum team roles. – Explore the basics of Scrum

This is one of the best choices for beginners looking to gain knowledge of agile principles and practical experience with Jira Software Cloud! This course is divided into 4 parts, each of them taking between two and four hours to complete. You will gain a solid basic understanding of agile principles and practices after finishing this course. – Basics of Scrum, Agile, and Project Delivery

This course is designed to assist anyone curious about learning more about Scrum, thanks to the video lectures that it provides. You will learn about the goal and structure of the SBOK in this course, as well as the fundamental ideas of Scrum. – Certified Scrum Master Full Course

The primary goal of this CSM certification video course is to improve the understanding of Scrum methodologies and how they are used. It assists you in earning the title of Certified ScrumMaster, a title granted by Scrum Alliance to practitioners who have finished a CSM certification course and shown their knowledge by passing the exam.

Second SimpliLearn YouTube video – 5-hour Scrum Master Course

This is the second resource of this list that comes from Simplilearn. This YouTube video has even more content than the last, being over 5 hours long. It was updated in 2022 and has almost 600 thousand views at the time of writing this. – Scrum Master Training made easy!

The Scrum Master Training provided here is 4-hours long and has CPD accreditation. By the end of the course, you will know a lot more about Agile project management and you will be familiar with many Scrum practices that are valuable in your industry. – Scrum Master in 60 minutes

Not only is this course free, but it is also concise, being only 60 minutes long. So far, almost 30 thousand students have taken this course, and you could be the next. All you have to do is follow the link and enroll. This course is targeted at people how are new to Scrum and want to learn more about it. – Old but Gold Scrum Master course!

This is a video-based course on Scrum. In total, the videos add up to about 2 hours of content, including the 4 elective videos. It has a comprehensive FAQ section, and, at the bottom, you can see happy users still coming to learn from this website even after 9 years.

Edureka – In-detail Scrum Master Course

Last but not least, here is a 4-hour long YouTube course on Scrum Master posted by Edureka. It starts off by describing what Scrum is, why we need it and then goes on to show how to implement it. There are tons of concepts explained here very thoroughly, so make sure you give this course a try!