Technical writing is described as writing designed to explain complex, technical, and specialized information, for example in technical fields such as engineering, robotics, medicine, finance, and electronics, to mention but a few. Let’s take a brief look at some of the courses you can take online if you are interested in the technical writing field.

Technical Writing Essentials

This is a free course on Alison that introduces students to the essentials of technical writing, technical reports, and professional communication. You will also learn about knowing your audience so you can meet their specific writing needs, and the relevant strategies used to enhance clarity and readability, among other things. The course has 7 modules.

Technical Writing

This is a free course offered by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology via Coursera. It introduces students to technical writing skills necessary to communicate information gained through a process of technical or experimental work and how to write different technical reports including lab reports, research reports, design and feasibility reports, progress reports, consulting reports, and more.

Technical Writing: A Quick Start to Software Documentation

This free beginner-level course offers an overview of the end-to-end software documentation writing processes. Learners will get an insight into what exactly software documentation is, what a Technical Writer is and what they do, and the writing process for developing Software Documentation, among other things.

Technical Report Writing – Online Course for Engineers

This course is specifically tailored for people in the field of engineering. It is a 6-week-long, self-paced course and by the end of the course, students should be able to explain what a good technical engineering report is and what it is used for, be able to evaluate what a good report looks like, and use a technical report to communicate information and be able to produce their reports.

Technical Writing: Quick Start Guides Online Class

This is a free technical writing course by LinkedIn Learning which teaches you how to write a quick start guide to accompany a product or software, step by step. In this course, you will learn about the components, best writing practices, and overall strategy for creating a quick start guide where readers easily find answers to questions.

Writing Skills for Engineering Leaders

This course is tailored to the Engineering field and teaches them to be able to write professional, reader-focused, and error-free writing. Engineering leaders will be taught how to create clear and concise writing that will not affect productivity and the bottom line. 

Easy Way to Technical Writing

This is a free, self-paced course aimed at simplifying one’s approach to technical writing in English. The course is offered in English and has theoretical information about Technical Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Punctuation, among other things.

Fundamentals of Structured Writing for Technical Documentation

This course introduces students to other writing standards, output options, and content management systems and is designed to further your technical writing skills with the use of XMetaL, XML, and DITA standards, to mention but a few.

Technical Writing: The Writing Process

This is a free course by Dr. Katharina Grimm on Skillshare where you will learn how to approach Technical Writing, properly plan your writing, collect and organize your content, and more. It is particularly tailored for those with basic knowledge about Technical Writing who would like to improve their writing or those who want to start.

Technical Writing Beginning- Advice and Resources

This is a free YouTube course by Amruta Ranade, designed with beginners in mind. The tutorial offers advice to beginners on the foundations of technical writing and how to be a concise and clear technical writer