Are you into rug making a lot and don’t know where to start? Worry no more as the free online classes and tutorials got you covered. Did you know that you can turn it into a hobby and a full-time career?

If interested in rug-making classes, here are some free online rug-making classes.

Rug making Patterns

Morgan Roberts will take you step by step on how to make different rug patterns. She has several video tutorials that are easy to understand. The tutorials here are beginner-friendly.

Cindi Gay Rug Hooking

Cindi Gay in her videos takes you step-by-step on how to make different rug patterns. She gives guidelines from the basic techniques of making patterns up to the most complicated patterns. The videos are simple to follow.

Beginner’s Guide

Deanne provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to stitch a rug from the beginning to the end. She also provides tutorials on how to make different rug patterns. Her tutorials are best suited for beginners. 

Rug Making Videos and Patterns

Linda Walsh has a collection of video tutorials on how to hook and stitch rugs. Besides, she also tutors on how to select and make different amazing patterns. The videos are easy to follow. In the tutorials, she also shows you how you can turn old clothing into  beautiful rugs.

Rug Making Designs

The tutor here is Diane Roberts. She has a collection of different instructions and tutorials for making different designs of rugs. She also tutors on how to hook on the rug. The tutorials are many so you choose the one that you feel you will understand better.

Homemade Rug Ideas

Tanis Gallery provides tutorials on how to make old clothes useful. You can make rugs out of old shirts and even skirts. She provides simple instructions on the tutorial videos that are easy to follow.

Rug Making

Kimberly West is the tutor here. She has a collection of many pins on rug-making ideas. She provides detailed instructions and video tutorials on rug making from the beginning to the end. Some of the topics she offers are rug hooking techniques, how to braid wool rugs and how to make crocheted rugs.

DIY Stylish Rugs

Melanie provides stylish DIY for rug making. In some of her tutorials, she shows how one can make rugs from old clothes such as shirts and even trousers. The tutorials are simple and easy to understand as she provides instructions on how to stitch and hook a rug to the final product.

DIY Rugs Craft

The tutor here is Elisabeth Kruger. She provides tutorials on how to make DIY rugs that will give your home a unique touch. Kruger has a collection of tutorials that give instructions on how to make different types of DIY rugs. The tutorials are easy to follow.

Rug Making Course

Prime technologies offer rug-making courses that are free. Their courses are most appropriate for beginners. They offer tutorials that are simple to follow and beginner-friendly.