odcasting is one of the best and easiest ways to express our feelings. The problem comes in when we don’t have the skills and knowledge of how to best pass information using podcasts. Access ways to get free podcasting courses before you start your podcast to avoid making mistakes. This will also help you to save a lot of cash as you will get referrals on where to get the most affordable podcasting equipment at affordable prices. Make your dream come true, start that podcast soon and start entertaining or educating the public.

Skill Share.com

Get started for free and attend online podcasting classes for one month. Learn the introductory course offered for free then you can choose to attend the paid in-depth classes.

Podcast Insights.com

Learn how to start your podcast here with a free 10-day email course where you will get to learn a few things;

  • The kind of content you should podcast about.
  • The kind of podcasting equipment you will need.
  • How to record your content and edit it at the end.
  • How to effectively promote your podcast.

Start learning all these as soon as possible.


This is the best website offering a podcasting course that uses videos and other learning resources that you can download for free. This is all you need to have a successful podcast. Podcast monetization courses and podcast writing courses are also offered here for free.


There are complete notes on how to start a podcast and ways of making it successful. The learning resources available here are step by step making it easy for you to learn and start your podcast immediately.


Offer a free podcasting course in which you will learn how to start a podcast, pick a topic, grow your podcast downloads, monetize, equipment needed, and many more. All this is delivered through online video content and a podcast certificate program is inclusive only if you upgrade to the paid membership.

The Podcasthost.com

Great access to step-by-step beginners’ guide on how to start your podcast. They have summarized all information required to have a successful podcast to twenty steps making learning easier and fun.

LinkedIn Learning.com

Start your one-month free trial of learning how to produce podcasts. The skill levels are both beginner and intermediate and it only takes one hour and forty-two minutes to learn. Take advantage of this and start learning.

The audacity to Podcast.com

This is the website to the award-winning podcast that talks about podcasting and podcasting resources created by Daniel J. Lewis. They offer free resources and courses on podcasting. Most people who have used their learning resources knowledge to start up their podcasts have succeeded.

Krystal Profit.com

This website offers a free Bootcamp where you get a chance to learn everything you need to know before starting your podcast. Start the Bootcamp to earn your skills.


Get a step-by-step guide on how to start your podcast. There are videos too to help you get as much knowledge as possible on podcasting. Everything is offered for free. Please consider starting today.