Looking to begin a career in Bioinformatics?

Well, I think you’ll agree with me when I say…a career in bioinformatics is extremely worthwhile. Besides a good salary— it’s broad and has several career options. For example—health informatics, biotechnology, zoology, to mention but a few. 

Knowing how to use computer science to collect, analyze and store genetic data could be your breakthrough towards the most rewarding career in your entire life. Here’s the big secret though…you don’t have to go to college to learn bioinformatics.

It gets even better…in this article, I’m going to share with you the most rewarding 10 FREE online bioinformatics courses.

  1. Future learn

This site offers a free introductory course to bacterial genomes. You’ll learn how to—use bioinformatics to explore DNA, use databases to find protein sequences and investigate their functions. And, by the end, you’ll be able to perform searches in primary databases and investigate biological data.

  1. Coursera

This site offers a range of free online bioinformatics courses. For example genomic data science, introduction to bioinformatics which will help you gain and master skills in health data science and bioinformatics, whether as a beginner or advanced in the field.

  1. My-mooc.com

This site partners with other sites and universities to provide you in-depth knowledge and skills in bioinformatics. It covers a comprehensive introductory course to bioinformatics, teaches you how to find hidden messages in DNA. And, most importantly…provides you with a free certificate upon completion.

  1. Coursesity.com

This resourceful site shares video tutorials, quizzes and exercises to give you an in-depth history and introduction to bioinformatics. It also covers essential concepts on variant databases in genetics and more, which are all available freely.

  1. Learnomnicslogic.com

New to bioinformatics? These free bioinformatics training courses will get you started. The site consists of: videos, quizzes, and assignments that’ll teach you—the theoretical and practical aspects of bioinformatics, how to process complex data, and use coding to visualize and analyze patterns.

  1. Stepik.org

This site offers a series of free online certificate courses in bioinformatics which are both beginner friendly and advanced. You’ll learn: basic introduction to statistics and python skills for handling biological data through thorough theoretical videos and quizzes.

  1. Udemy.com

With Udemy, you’ll be assured to learn everything in detail about bioinformatics. It has free online diploma courses in bioinformatics and you’ll access an introduction to programming for bioinformatics, basic python and machine learning in bioinformatics and more. 

  1. Classcentral.com

This site offers a collection of free online bioinformatics courses. It covers all levels from beginner–advanced and, you’ll learn how to—find hidden messages in DNA, compare genes, proteins and genomes.

  1. EdX.org

This site offers a series of free introductory courses to bioinformatics. You’ll learn, how biomedical data is generated and processed, appreciate the value of big data in biomedical research and clinical practice. And, in addition…learn how to understand, analyze and interpret biomedical data. 

  1. Shortcoursesportal.com

In partnership with sites like Coursera, UC San Diego, this site aims towards providing in-depth knowledge on bioinformatics. It covers courses on genome sequencing, introduction to bioinformatics. And in addition, issues a free certificate of completion upon completion of the course.