If you have always loved oil painting but don’t know where to start, these books are perfect for you. Oil painting is a versatile and cheap way of creating your favorite pictures. 

You will learn simple tips and techniques to paint the perfect pictures with these books on Amazon.

  1. How to Master Portrait Painting in 24 Hours: A Seven-Step Guide for Oil Painting the Portrait Today (Oil Painting Mastery Book 2)

This book takes you through seven steps on mastering portrait painting. Start by prepping your materials, then learn how to paint a portrait. You will then learn how to transition from charcoal to oil painting and how to develop an underpainting. Also, learn how to develop the painting and finish a portrait. Practice what you learnt with a quick exercise.

  1. How to Master Still Life Painting in 24 Hours!: A Seven-Step Guide for Oil Painting a Still Life Today (Oil Painting Mastery Book 3)

Master the art of still life oil painting in seven steps. Start by learning how to prepare your painting materials and how to draw a still life. You will then learn how to transfer a still life drawing and complete a color study. Next, learn how to start the painting and develop it further to finish a still life painting. Practice what you learnt with a quick exercise.

  1. How to Master Landscape Painting in 24 Hours: A Seven-Step Guide for Oil painting the Landscape Today

This book takes you seven steps toward mastering landscape painting. Begin by prepping your materials, then learn how to draw a landscape. You will then learn how to do an underpainting and how to paint the sky. Also, learn how to paint the background, trees and the foreground. Practice what you learnt with a quick exercise.

  1. Oil Painting: Learn How to Paint Oils Step-by-Step! Fundamentals Of Master Art Piece Without Wasting Time

This book introduces you to oil painting, materials and equipments used in oil painting and how to choose the best materials. Learn how to stretch your canvas and the basic brush techniques used in oil painting. Also, learn how to preserve your tools and paints.

  1. Painting Landscapes with Light and Depth: Technique and Inspiration for Oil and Acrylic Painters

Get to know the materials needed in oil painting and the practical choices to make when doing oil painting. Learn to plan your painting and how to convey light and depth in your painting. Practise what you learnt with projects you can follow through.

  1. Oil Painting: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Mastering Oil Painting and Creating Beautiful Homemade Art in 30 Minutes or Less! ( Oil Painting- Oil Painting…-Painting- Oil Painting Techniques)

This book introduces you to the art of painting from the materials and equipments used to the techniques used in oil painting. Learn how to prepare your painting and the safety tips to adhere to when painting. You will also get tips on how to improve your painting.

  1. Oil Painting for Beginners: The Ultimate Crash Course Guide to Oil painting in 24 hours! ( Oil Painting-Oil Painting for Beginners-Painting-Painting for Beginners)

Get to know the basic materials and supplies you need when starting your oil painting journey and how to select them. You will then learn oil painting techniques and how to decode your painting.

  1. Winslow Homer: 150 Realist Oil Paintings- Realism-Annotated Series

The book contains a collection of Winslow oil paintings. The pieces are creative and you can use them to draw inspiration for your own paintings and also learn his painting styles.

  1. Wildlife Oil Painting: David Stribbling’s Amazing Methods Revealed

The author takes you through his methods of painting and the philosophy behind his paintings. Go through the materials needed in oil painting. You will then practice oil painting animals through the guidance of this book.

  1. Oil painting: Masterful Techniques to Oil Painting, Portrait Painting and Landscape Painting (Painting, Oil Painting, Painting for Beginners, Paint Techniques, …Paint, Portrait Painting, Art and Painting)

Learn the steps and strategies you need when starting a journey. From tools to principles and techniques of oil painting. You will also find exercises broken down to help you practice oil painting on your own.