Charcoal drawing is an ancient art form spanning centuries. The simplest form of charcoal drawing can be seen in caves to date. It is a simple and convenient art that has been passed on for generations. With charcoal drawing, you can achieve the shade that you want, with intimate strokes to bring out unique drawings.

Charcoal Basics for Beginners

This is an online course offered by Diane Flick on Skillshare, which covers measuring, shading, blending, and creating textures, to mention but a few. This course is tailored for new aspirants to the trade and upon completion of this course, students will be able to recreate images. The course encompasses 20 lessons. The topics you are likely to learn include illustration, design, photography, and so forth.

The Charcoal Drawing Course- Introduction and Materials

This is a comprehensive course package that looks into charcoal drawing, its forms, characteristics, and even the nature of the charcoal used for drawing. It will also offer an in-depth knowledge of the tools and materials used.

Free Art Lessons By – Charcoal

This is a series of tutorials by Jerry which takes a dive into history and teaches students how to master this ancient art form. These free videos give students in-de knowledge as professional tips and advice from professionals in the field. No matter your level of experience, you can get a lesson tailored to your specific level. More than 4000 free art lessons are available.

HOW TO DRAW- Basics of Charcoal Drawing for Beginners

This is a YouTube channel by Kirsty Patridge offering expert lessons on charcoal drawings for those who need foundational knowledge regarding charcoal drawing. 

Drawing portraits in charcoal

This is the perfect channel for beginners who want to learn how to express themselves through charcoal drawing. The channel by Zin Lim offers lessons on how to draw portraits, all for free. All you need to do is subscribe and watch, and attempt.


This is a dedicated channel by Mad Charcoal which offers tutorials on amazing charcoal drawing using a variety of materials and techniques. 

How to use White Charcoal Pencils:

This platform introduces Students to white charcoal pencil drawing techniques. Whether you are a beginner or looking to challenge yourself, this platform introduces you to the exciting world of white charcoal drawing techniques that bring an edge to your art. Enter the world of light, dark, and half-tones to breathe life into your art.

Expressive drawing with charcoal: A free video lesson

Tara Leaver offers free video lessons on how to express your art through charcoal drawing. Tara provides practical, process-oriented guidance to charcoal artists. Whether you are a budding artist or an established one, here you will learn confidence, clarity, and freedom of expression in your art.

How to Draw With Charcoal – Your Guide to Charcoal Drawing Techniques

This is a go-to site for those who want to expand their creative thinking or enhance their technical artistic skills. It offers a step-by-step guide on the basics of charcoal drawing and the material one might need to kick start their artistic passion.

How to Draw With Charcoal – Tutorial for Charcoal Drawing Techniques

Beginners will love this tutorial which offers a foundation in charcoal drawing and the techniques one can use to upgrade their skills. It offers an in-depth look at the various types of charcoal and the type of paper they can be best used on.