With the emergence of AI tools, Prompt Engineering is more in-demand than ever. We have found 10 of the best courses and tutorials on Prompt Engineering that are available for free.

Coursera.org – 16 hours of Prompt engineering information!

This Coursera course has an approval rate of 98%! It has 16 hours of content, and it is split into 6 weeks. It has video content, readings, quizzes, and other resources to ensure a perfect learning environment for you to learn Prompt Engineering.

LearningPrompting.org – Free Text-based Course for Prompt EngineeringLearnPrompting.org is a free online resource dedicated to people like you, who are looking to 

learn Prompt Engineering, without spending a fortune on paid courses. This course has got everything, from the basics to the advanced applications. One thing that should be mentioned is that this course is almost entirely based on text.

PromptingGuide.ai – Prompt Engineering made easy!

PromptingGuide.ai is another text-based free course available on the Internet. This one, however, might be a little shorter than the previous one. At the end of the day, both are extremely valuable resources, so whether you use this one or the other one is up to you. We recommend you check out both and choose one yourself.

Classcentral.com – Video-based Prompt Engineering course

Here is a video-based Prompt Engineering course. It goes over 23 sections, including 6 real-world examples. One of the sections will advise you regarding what you need to do after finishing this course. H-EDUCATE is honest when saying that you will not instantaneously become a prompt engineer after finishing his course and that you need to further your studies.

DeepLearning.ai – Made in partnership with OpenAI!

Deeplearning.ai created this course in collaboration with OpenAI, the developer of Chat-GPT! This is how you know this course is serious and that you will find groundbreaking information here. In fact, there are multiple courses here, as well as guides, eBooks, and other resources, all for free. What’s more, each resource has its level of difficulty, so everybody can learn something here!

Coursea.org – Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT 

This online course by Dr. Jules White is destined for beginners. With a total of 18 hours, this tutorial will teach you how to utilize the potential of huge language models through prompt patterns and will also help you gain numerous skills.

Codecademy.com – Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT

Here we have another course that works with ChatGPT, which makes things a lot easier. It takes about an hour to complete it and by that time you will be able to write effective prompts, include context, and provide examples.

Jayant Padhi – ChatGPT prompt engineering

This video course is very easy to follow. The explanation is clear and accompanied by many examples throughout this one-hour video, which makes learning easier. Matter of fact, the creator, Jayant Padhi, guarantees that even a 7th grader will master the tricks that he is teaching in no time.

Udemy.com – Prompt engineering+

You will quickly go from a beginner to an expert with the help of this succinct but thorough course, which will give you all the skills you need to be successful in this fascinating area. You will learn about prompt engineering in this course and how it can be applied to produce exceptional outcomes.

Medium.com – Advanced ChatGPT prompt engineering course

This time we have an advanced course. The fundamentals of Python programming are covered in this course, making it easy for you to get started developing scripts as soon as possible.