Qi gong-based exercise helps improve movement, walking ability, and balance in people with Parkinson’s disease. In order to pursue a powerful life of health and wellness, you can start with a few easy meditations and movements. The most fundamental techniques are likely the most significant and these courses will come in handy.

Udemy.com – Tai Chi Qi Gong Moves for Beginners

With an average rating of 4.9 stars, you already know this course is extremely reliable. So far, it has helped over 11.000 students regain their physical strength and mental wellness. These Tai Chi qi gong exercises are perfect for arthritis and will improve your control over your own body!

Udemy.com– Qi Gong Healing and Balancing of Body and Mind

Each exercise in the course has an accompanying instructional video. There are safety and training instructions provided, to help you get the most out of the course that teaches the best and most efficient ways to practice.

Udemy.com– Qi Gong for Beginners: Ancient Taoist Health Method

By the end of the course, you will be able to use Qi Gong to calm the body and mind, balance any imbalances, reduce stress, and boost your immune system in your daily life. Learn effective Qi Gong techniques and the relationship between breathing and movement.

Long White Cloud QiGong– Free Qi gong videos

You can follow along with the beginner-friendly qi gong practice videos found here to begin reaping the rewards of qi gong in your life. This is a fantastic place to begin learning about some of the various qi gong techniques that Long White Cloud Qigong teaches. The videos themselves might be a fantastic start if you just want to improve your health and vitality!

Holden Qi Gong– Two Weeks Free Qi Gong Classes

Although we live in a busy world, it is always possible to take care of our own health. Holden Qi Gong knows this and created this platform where you can find free live classes for Qi Gong enthusiasts. These classes will improve your physical and mental health and will boost your

immunity and overall well-being.

Dr. Janice Tucker.com– Free Qigong mini-course

Dr. Janice Tucker shares her teachings online because her Chinese teachers taught her to do so. By doing so, she has helped many people to improve their mental well-being. According to her, these simple yet effective movements will make your anxiety, pain, and stiffness go away!

Holden QiGong– Free Qi Gong Class

Holden Qi Gong, who was already featured on this list, posted this 1-hour long video full of Qi Gong exercises. These can be done by anyone, regardless of their age and gender, but one thing is for certain: your body will feel better after these 60 minutes and you will feel in control.

Nick Loffree– Classic Qigong Sets

This is a YouTube playlist that features videos containing classic Qi Gong exercises. You can try a different video every day and see which ones are the best for you. One thing you will notice is that each video focused on a different aspect: the tortoise, three forced eight brocades and so on.

Coursesity.com– Medical Qigong Group Class

This is another hour long video, the difference being that this is a medical class. In case you did not know, Qi Gong has medical merits, as it has been proven to help patients dealing with Parkinson’s disease. You do not have to have this disease to follow the video, as it will make you feel better regardless.

Tai Chi Foundation – Free Qigong TYB Video

The Tai Chi Foundation is another website that offers free Qi Gong exercises. You can download their video either with or without audio instructions, depending on how well you understand each movement. Give it a try!