Games are a great source for entertainment for most individuals. Understanding the concept of knowing how to develop games can be a source of income for most individuals. Learning how to incorporate our wild creative ideas to develop something unique can be a process. Unreal Engine will help you all the way.

Taking the free Unreal Engine courses will help you kick start this new career. Here are the top 10 free courses on Unreal Engine.

1.Unreal engine 4FPS Tutorial

In this course you learn how to make a Basic FPS game in Unreal Engine 4 from Scratch. This will be of great important in boosting confidents in you in making games in Unreal Engine 4.

2.Unreal Engine 4 for Beginners

This amazing course teaches how to use its blueprints to design captivating 3D video games with photorealistic and ray-tracing effects. The course is self-paced and very beginner friendly.

2.Introduction to C++ Programming and Unreal

This Unreal course helps you learn new concepts from industry experts and help learners gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool. A certificate is issued upon course completion.

4.Free Unreal Engine Course for Beginners

This course helps you learn the most effective step by step instructions to develop incredible video game projects. 


This course will help you get started with Unreal Engine and teach you fundamentals for manipulating game objects. Learners are also able to explore the basics of lighting and how to incorporate them into your projects

6.Unreal Engine Online Learning

This platform is Unreal Engine’s official learning platform. It offers a variety of free courses on different topics related to Unreal Engine, ranging from basics to more advanced topics. This gives all learners an opportunity to be up-to-date with new Unreal Engine development.

7.Learn To Build Unreal VR Apps with Epic Games and Udacity

The skills you’ll acquire in this program will have broad value, because the development tools you’ll master are used for much more than just video games. The engine is being used to create everything from car commercials and education platforms, to enterprise applications and cinematic experiences.

8.Unreal Engine: Game Terrain Techniques

In this course, Joel Bradley illustrates the many benefits of using terrain in games and why having the concepts and background information on terrains can only aid you in your creation of useful landscapes for both the visual and playability aspects of your game. Joe shows how the tools available to you in Unreal can help to answer questions like: How are terrain

9.Unreal Engine 5 (UE5): The Complete Beginner’s Course

This course is a complete beginner guide on Unreal Engine. The learners have unlimited access to the available learning materials.

10.Unreal Engine Workshops

 This course makes it very easy to learn Unreal engine by giving learners a complete course guide.  The course is beginner friendly and self-paced.