Online learning has never been this easy, just a simple click of a button brings you into a new world of free learning. Tensorflow is an end-to-end open-source software library for machine learning and artificial intelligence that is used across a wide range of tasks. There are plenty of online and free Tensorflow courses that you can access at the simple touch of a button. 

Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine learning is one of the key aspects of artificial intelligence and this free course is an introduction to machine learning. You will learn the basics of machine learning, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, regression, classification, and recommendation system. 

Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning

This is a 2 month free, intermediate course offering a practical approach to deep learning for software developers. You can expect to get hands-on experience in building your image classifiers and learn how to use advanced techniques and algorithms when working with large datasets. Other aspects of the course include Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Transfer Learning, Saving, and Loading Models, Time Series Forecasting, Natural Language Processing, and more.

Probabilistic Deep Learning with TensorFlow 

This free course is an introduction to the TensorFlow Probability library where you will be taught how to develop probabilistic models and more. The course requires that you have some familiarity with standard probability distributions, probability density functions, and other concepts. You can expect to cover topics such as TensorFlow Distributions, Probabilistic layers, Bayesian neural networks, Bijectors and normalizing flows, Variational autoencoders, and the Capstone project.

Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

This is a 4 week-long free intermediate course that will teach you the most important and foundational principles of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. This course will also help software developers to understand various tools and how they can use them to build scalable AI-powered algorithms, among other things. Topics you can expect to cover include Introduction to computer vision, enhancing vision with convolutional neural networks, and using real-world images, to mention but a few.

Custom Models, Layers, and Loss Functions with TensorFlow

This is a 5-week course offering a free audit track specially designed for beginners and intermediate software engineers with a foundational knowledge of TensorFlow but seeking to expand their knowledge. In this course, you will learn functional APIs, custom loss functions, custom layers, custom models, and bonus content- callbacks.

Introduction to Tensorflow and Keras

This course will teach you how to solve relatively deep learning problems, how to Install TensorFlow, and about neural networks, linear regression using Tensorflow, and MNIST character recognition, to mention but a few. The course aims to teach a variety of concepts from basics to advanced concepts governing the working of Tensors and a whole lot more. 

Tensor Flow Machine Learning Models

This free TensorFlow course from Alison is a 5-hour course that you can take at your own pace. Students will be introduced to various methods in which TensorFlow can be used to build machine learning models. You will also learn about data pipelines, text processing, and key operations on tensors concerning deep learning.

Diploma in Practical Machine Learning with Tensor Flow

In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of machine learning and how to apply TensorFlow. You will also get to familiarize yourself with machine learning models and neural networks.

Basic Image Classification with TensorFlow

This is a 2-hour free course that is open to beginners as well. You will learn the basics of TensorFlow and how you can use it to solve some basic image classification problems. You will be exposed to things such as encoding labels, understanding neural networks, pre-processing images, neural network models, evaluating models, and more.

Getting started with TensorFlow 2

This is a practical course where you will learn a complete end-to-end workflow for developing deep learning models with Tensorflow. You will be taught how to build, train, evaluate and predict with models. It is an intermediate course lasting 26 hours. Other subjects you can expect to encounter include The Sequential model API, Validation, regularization and callbacks, saving and loading models, and the Capstone project.