Memory improvement is the act of enhancing one’s memory. Whether you are looking to sharpen your mind, boost your mental performance, or preserve your memory as you age, you may need memory improvement tips to help you through the journey. Here are resources that can help you out.


This site has a lot of free techniques, advice, and tools for improving your memory. Not only will you learn memorization techniques on this site, but you will also learn how to improve your memory through diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, and other ways.

eLearningIndustry.Com; Memorization Techniques

Learn about ways to boost your memory in this article. When done going over it, you will be in a position to remember and information you want and in an effective way. You will be taught effective methods for memorizing information.

MindTools.Com; Memory Improvement

At Mind Tools, you will learn how to boost your powers of recall with mnemonics, senses, and emotions. The articles on this site about memory improvement techniques are free, however, joining the Mind Tools Club will cost you $1.

ArtOfMemory.Com;Free Memory Course

Here is a website that gives you the ability to create your free memory course for self-study. The site enables you to learn memory techniques for free, and create a self-guided memory course. The course will walk you through understanding a variety of memory techniques that can then combine to help you memorize all sorts of information.

WWW.LifeHack.Org; How to Memorize Things Quicker

Looking for fast memorization techniques? Life Hack will teach you memorization techniques to help you master the art of recalling and start memorizing plenty of data in a short amount of time. You will as well get a free learning style assessment which will turn help you establish memorization techniques that will best suit you.

Memory; How to Develop, Train And Use It.

This Audiobook by William Walker Atkinson offers great insights into memory. The book can serve as a great source of the Memory Development Course. This Audiobook is free and you can listen through while reading the transcript as well.

Ideas and Inspiration; How to Learn Anything Fast

In this video, Nishant Kasibhatla, 2011 Guinness Record Holder, and the Only Grand Master of memory in Singapore will assist you to learn how to master anything in a  quick, fun, and easy way. Nishant also offers online courses and memory techniques which you can access through links under this YouTube video tutorial.

TheScienceExplorer.Com; Learn And Memorize Things Faster

Learning new things and skills can be frustrating and time-consuming but the good news is that Science can help speed up the process. On this website, you will be taught seven brain hacks that could help you learn and master things very fast.

Clockify.Me; Memorization Techniques

In this blog post, you will be taught nine ways to remember more and learn faster. You will be offered effective and quick tips for every material you need to learn, and helped to arrive at the tip that works best for you. 

LearningCenter.Unc.Edu; Enhancing Your Memory

On this site, you will learn fast memorization techniques to help you develop your memorizing abilities. The simple memory tips and tricks will help your brain remember information. The write-up is accompanied by video resources that give detailed explanations to the tips given.